Lawn Care Schedule - 2022

Remove debris, thatch and winter die back by heavy raking lawn
Edge sidewalks and walkways
Remove debris and cut back any perennials left standing
Cultivate garden soil once perennials are starting to appear
Trim hedges
Organic Lawn Fertilizer Program
Organic Lawn Fertilizer Program typically includes the following four fertilizer applications, grass seeding, aeration, and dethatching. Application schedule - may vary depending on winter weather carryover:
1st: March 30th to April 30th – Alfalfa 5-1-5
2nd: May 1st to Jun 1st – Corn Gluten 4-4-8
3rd: August 1st to September 1st – Alfalfa 5-1-5
4th: October 15th to November 1st – Alfalfa 5-1-5
Additional Spring Lawn Care Services
Nematode application for grub control
Top dress and seed bare and thinning patches
Aerating to reduce soil compaction and increase soil oxygen levels
Installation of new sod
Slit seeding existing lawns

Snow Blowing
Snow Plowing
Snow Shovelling
Ice Melting
Service available from Dec. 1st to Mar. 31st
Driveways, sidewalks and walkways cleared, ice melting products applied if required.

Cut, edge and trim lawns
Weed, edge and cultivate gardens
Deadhead and stake perennials
Pinch annuals
Trim shrubs
Additional Summer Lawn Care Services
3rd application of fertilizer: Alfalfa 5-1-5
Install new sod
Amend garden soil
Mulch garden areas and base of vines to help conserve water and reduce weeds
Fertilize gardens in early July
Cut, edge and trim lawns
Weed, edge and cultivate gardens
Deadhead/cut back perennials
Trim shrubs
Cut lawn to 2″ for winter dormancy
Remove leaves from lawns and gardens
Additional Fall Lawn Care Services
4th application of fertilizer: Alfalfa 5-1-5
Top dress and seed bare and thinning patches
Aerating to reduce soil compaction and increase soil oxygen level
Amend garden soil
Mulch gardens to protect new and divided plants from frost heave
Wrap tender shrubs
Fertilize trees and shrubs
Prune deadwood out of shrubs and trees
Cut tall roses back to half their height
Sign up for snow removal service before Oct. 1st and save 5%